Cow Ghee & Ayurveda
Ayurveda properties of Cow ghee are as follows
Rasa : Madhura, Guna : Guru, Snigdha, Mirdu, Veerya : Sita, Vipaka : Madhura, Karma : Agnideepana, Anubhisyyandi, Ayushya, Balya, Cakshushya, Deepana, Hidya,Kaantiprada, Medhya, Ojovardhaka, Rasayana, Rucya, Shleshmavardhana, Snehana, Shukravardhaka, Tejobalakara, Tvacya, Vatapittaprashamana, Vayaasthapna, Vishahara, Virsya Cow Ghee is known to be digested 96% which is highest as compared to all other vegetable or animal source fats.
It contains antioxidants like Vitamin E and beta carotene (600IU) besides other nutrients like phospholipids, diglycerides and triglycerides. Cow Ghee is regularly used in formulations in Ayurveda especially for chronic and degenerative ailments.
It is either used as a part of a formulation as a nourishing, extracting, assimilating and/or absorbing agent. Cow Ghee, an integral part of the Ayurvedic health science is considered a premier Rasayana. A food that helps maintains good health, vitality and longevity. Cow Ghee is excellent for balancing Vata (air) and Pitta (fire) related doshas (humors). It is satvic (healthy) food, which has a pure influence on mind, body and spirit.
Vata type people can enjoy more ghee than Pitta (fire) type who in turn can enjoy more ghee than Kapha (Water) types. Cow Ghee also brings out the aroma and flavor of many foods. Cow Ghee contains no water, so it does not spoil easily and hence preserves the original freshness and potency of herbs and foods.
Therefore, no refrigeration is required for Cow ghee. It is ancient Ayurvedic and folk assumption that as Cow ghee becomes aged, though its taste becomes slightly bitter its effectiveness and healing properties increases. In many Ayurvedic classical formulation 5 to 10 years older Cow ghee is highly recommended.