Funding of handloom and handicraft industry in India — Handloom And Handicraft

Success Technohub
3 min readDec 1, 2020


बिखरे हुए और विकेन्द्रीकृत handloom and handicraft के क्षेत्र भारत के मानक ज्ञान, सांस्कृतिक संपदा और धर्मनिरपेक्ष लोकाचार का प्रतीक हैं।

It’s not just a source of livelihood for 130 lakh weavers and artisans, but also an environment-friendly, energy-saving type of art that has secured India’s presence in ample homes across the globe;

A presence that has been crafted by dexterous hands, many of whom are among the foremost marginalized sections of society.

The handloom and handicraft s sectors make a valuable contribution to our economy; they even have the potential to play a way bigger role given the correct environment.

The Eleventh Plan recognizes this but unfortunately, two-and-a-half years into the Plan the policy interventions required to push these sectors must be much stronger. this is often a cause for concern.

Unless backed by supportive policies, programmatic interventions will do little to vary the truth of the lives of the weavers and artisans.

Currently, 60.6 percent of the weavers are women and 36 percent are from SCs and STs. Similarly, of the 67 lakh artisans in rural and semi-urban areas, 47.42 percent are women, 23 percent belong to non-secular minorities, 12.38 percent are STs, and 24.73 percent are SCs.

The Eleventh Plan recognizes this. It also acknowledges the deprivation and destitution faced by skilled craftspeople and emphasizes the requirement to secure a future, both for the art and therefore the artisans.

Many of the old schemes are revised, enhanced, and clubbed together. New measures like insurance are introduced to boost the standard of lifetime of the craftspeople.

The stress has been on a cluster approach. Two-and-a-half years into the Plan, these efforts are clearly visible a minimum of within the handloom sector.

The Handloom Weavers Comprehensive Scheme that gives life and insurance has become increasingly popular and has provided much-needed access to healthcare for the weavers and their families.

The performance of the cluster scheme has been slower, but change is getting down to happen at the micro-level. However, the pace and extent of this modification are too small to be visible at the macro level.

within the remaining years of the Eleventh Plan, it’s vital to formulate a comprehensive policy that addresses issues like a protective tariff on silk yarn, the excellence between handloom and handicraft s, VAT, and preferential procurement.

At the identical time, new interventions just like the Pension Scheme, thrift fund, and special measures for minority groups and ladies, as promised within the Eleventh Plan have to be launched.


Recognizing the requirement to specialize in both the art and therefore the artisans, the Eleventh Plan advocated a two-pronged approach for ensuring the expansion of the handloom and handicraft s sectors.

It talked about the necessity for policy interventions backed by suitable programmatic interventions. The salient features of the Plan, its approach, monitorable targets, and interventions suggested are given in Box.


To review the commitments and make a balanced assessment of the progress made within the Eleventh Plan, sectoral data was analyzed, official documents and other reports were received, and discussion and assessment meetings were held with nodal departments of the implementing ministries still because the state departments handling the topic.

एनजीओ, चैंबर्स ऑफ कॉमर्स एंड इंडस्ट्री, एक्सपोर्ट प्रमोशन काउंसिल्स, फाइनेंसिंग इंस्टीट्यूशंस, आदि के प्रतिनिधियों के साथ handloom and handicraft के क्षेत्रों के लिए विशेषज्ञों का एक सलाहकार समूह गठित किया गया था।

Additionally to any or all this, it absolutely was decided to concentrate to on ‘voices from the field’. Given the Plans specialize in inclusiveness, concerns of SCs/STs and minorities, women’s groups, elderly, et al belonging to the marginalized sections of society were heard.

Five regional consultations were held-in Guwahati for the North-Eastern states, Jaipur for the western states, Bhubaneswar for the eastern states, Chandigarh for the northern states, and Bangalore for the southern states.

In preparation for the regional consultations, state-level consultations were organized by national-level NGOs working directly with the poor. These fed into the regional consultations.

जैसा कि योजना ने क्लस्टर दृष्टिकोण पर जोर दिया था, नई एकीकृत handloom विकास योजना के तहत दो समूहों का अध्ययन शुरू किया गया था।

The Craft s Revival Trust, capital of India visited and studied the clusters in Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) and Chirala near Vijayawada in Andhra Pradesh; the findings of their reports are taken cognizance of during this appraisal.

Funding of handloom and handicraft industry in India

Originally published at on December 1, 2020.



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