Medicinal use of cow ghee

Success Technohub
3 min readOct 2, 2019


Cow Ghee utilized in Ayurveda, used for numerous medical applications, including the treatment of allergy, skin and respiratory diseases. Cow Ghee is also known to retard the undesirable effects of drugs besides cancelling the effect of toxins in the body. However, Cow ghee has to be used in its optimal volume and form in order to increase the efficacy of the Ayurvedic preparations.

Most Cow ghee based formulations in Ayurveda are aimed at treating ailments related to the nervous system, digestive system and for psychological ailments too. As per Ayurveda Cow ghee is very much benifical to human beings It loosen up and liquefy toxins and pacify humors (Doshas) in the skin and blood (called the outer disease pathway).It opens the small channels for dislodging and removing heavy toxins. Thus, toxins begin to drain from deeper tissues and start to flow in the gastro intestinal tract for elimination.

It also lubricates and moistens the membranes and tissues. It protects tissues from damage, helps in the proper flowing of wastes and toxins from the body. People with a strong digestive power can use more ghee than those with a weak digestive system. As per Ayurveda the colon is related to all other organs and tissues.

When the colon is cleansed and toned successfully, the entire body receives healing and rejuvenation. The colon is the main organ through which the body absorbs nutrients thus, a proper functioning colon is imperative for efficient assimilation of nutrients. Cow Ghee is beneficial & its benefits are mentioned in the Ayurveda For Example, it imparts the benefits of the best essential fatty acids without the problems of oxidized cholesterol, trans-fatty acids or hydrogenated fats.

It is also resistant to free radical damage and is both salt and lactose free. It contains butyric acid, a fatty acid with antiviral and anti-cancer properties. Digestion- The Ayurvedic texts say that Cow ghee lubricates the digestive system and improves the digestive power because it helps enhance digestion without irritating the stomach and balance the stomach acids to maintain and repair the mucus lining of the stomach.

Cow ghee aids proper digestion and nutrient assimilation. People who are lactose intolerant can generally consume Cow ghee. Cow ghee is said to promote all three aspects of mental functioning — learning, memory and recall. The traditional texts also designate Cow ghee a medhya Rasayana, (Healthy and balanced fat in the body), beneficial for mental alertness and memory.

It supports healthy vision, voice, intelligence and brain function. Cow Ghee nourishes all dhatus (tissues), ojas (essence of tissues) and breast milk, as well as promoting strength, normalising the blood and lymph. In Ayurveda, it is the sweet taste which stimulates anabolic activity due to the predominance of the earth element.

Cow Ghee’s nourishing property and similarity to ojas help explain its importance in the Ayurvedic pregnancy regime, as well as for under nourished individuals. However, any avirudda (incompatible) items would be taken care of by Cow ghee as an added ingredient2 . As well as helping other ingredients to ‘get along’, Cow ghee helps to eliminate and neutralise the toxins, such as bacterial contamination. Such is Cow ghee’s effect that Caraka describes Amrta Cow ghee as “ambrosia for curing all types of poisons”



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